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The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines health as “the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially: freedom from physical disease or pain”. How progressive this statement seems in a quick-fix physical world of flash diets and high intensity workout programs. This description truly captures the essence of health- soundness in mind, body and spirit.

This way of thinking of health, while radical and progressive compared to the mainstream approach, is actually rooted in ancient traditions. The sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda have sought to bring balance to mind, body and spirit since their inception into the human experience. The practice was built to inspire and restore the practitioner into healthful balance, by offering deep insight into imbalances through earnest deep-looking, dedicated physical routine and sincere effort to move past Self.

Though this method of gaining and keeping good health is ancient, it is invariably relevant to our lives today. We are busy as ever, high on stress and buried by duties, making it so easy to fall into imbalance. The practice of Yoga offers us the tools for us to use to feel good- for immediate and lasting health. As the great Yogi B.K.S. Iyengar so eloquently said, “Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.”

Whether you consider yourself a Yogi or not, a regular yoga practice can teach us all a thing or two about living a healthy lifestyle. From the food we eat, to our work schedules, to how we handle our relationships and even to the thoughts we allow ourselves to think, Yoga promotes health and balance in all areas of our lives.

Inspired by the ancient practice and shaped for the present, this is my creed to living a healthy, thriving and Beaming life:

Take excellent care of your body.

It is the only place you have to live! Your body needs to be a good support system for the mind and spirit. If you take excellent care of it, your body will take you wherever you want to go, with the power, strength, energy and vitality you will need to get there. Make your movement mindful and meaningful so you get the most from it. Buy the best quality food possible that includes organic, superfoods that will keep your engine running smooth. Give yourself time to rest.

Create healthy rituals.

A daily Yoga Asana practice is a great way to keep your body and mind in balance and available for use when you really need it. Not only does this practice create a strong and lean body, but it conditions our breathing to take in more oxygen, which we need for all vital functions. A great morning ritual is to break your overnight fast, with a low glycemic, high protein drink. I love combining Beaming’s Pure Green Juice with fresh almond milk which makes it both cleansing and protein rich.  If you find you easily fall off track from a daily practice, try inviting a seasonal ritual into your schedule to help you reset. Whether it’s practicing 108 Sun Salutations at the change of the seasons or participating in a Seasonal Cleanse, sometimes all you need is a reminder to get back on track.

Research and Study YOU.                                              

Studying ancient traditions and methods of introspection (Yoga, Astrology, Ayurveda) or more modern Personal Development methods can help the mind to cultivate and maintain deep awareness. The greater your personal awareness grows, the more likely you are to do things that are of benefit to yourself.


You have to have a life that has more meaning than just making money or running your business. Giving back, paying it forward, and contributing beyond yourself reminds you of what life is truly about- building others up and growing healthful communities. The act of giving transforms your self identity into one of compassion, love and gratitude. The latest research from the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine shows that people who give more are actually happier.

Let your light shine.           

We all have a responsibility in life to be something more than ourselves, to achieve a higher purpose. Never stop trying to make yourself the BEST version of you. You deserve to be great- let it empower you to grow your light and shine! Share it with the world.

Find your tribe.

You become like those whom you surround yourself with, so choose the company you keep wisely. The people around you should offer support and encouragement, and delight in everything about you.

Magnify your meditation.

If sitting still is challenging, choose to focus on powerful thoughts and emotions as your meditation. Some of my favorites are, “My body is perfect, whole and healed”, “All I need is within me now”, and “I love my life. I am so blessed”.

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