On the Blog


Many years ago, I became inspired to teach yoga adjustments to others when a student came to me after class to tell me how much she enjoyed my teaching. Her deep gratitude enlightened me when she said, “Stacy, I live alone and sometimes you’re the only one who touches me for weeks at a time.” It was then I realized the transformative power of a safe, effective yoga adjustment. I came to the conclusion it is really a form of hands-on- love assisting psychologically and spiritually by creating connection. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way writing about a Valentine’s Day, romantic connection, quite the contrary. I’m writing about a connection that fosters trust, creates a gateway to really understand a pose, and dissolves self-imposed boundaries within a yoga practice.dvd-cat-book-600

One of the greatest opportunities yoga has to offer is the lesson of strength and surrender in a posture, combined with breath and focus. Sometimes a verbal cue just won’t hit the mark that a skillful adjustment can provide.

I’ve seen some amazing transformations. Students with hips that feel like cement in Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s Pose) or Upavistha Konasana (wide angle seated forward bend) find space and ease with the right adjustment. Students who thought they would never rise up into a full backbend (Urdhva Dhanurasana), asking me to take a picture so they can show their friends their breakthrough. The Type A, go-getter who could never relax in savasana (corpse pose) gets a full assist from feet, to hips, to shoulders and can finally completely let go and find the first deep relaxation they’ve ever experienced in this pose.

Whether you are an inspired student or a teacher, we are all here to connect. Giving and receiving the perfect adjustment is probably the best way to do that physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It can be the first step to a real understanding of yoga and a catalyst for connection that many students long for much more than mastering a handstand.

If you’d like to transform your practice, sharpen your skills and make a connection, register now for my immersion Adjust Me Puhleeze! Early Bird ends, Wednesday February 17th. Registration includes my book and digital videos to take home with you.

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